Battlefield BAU

Productivity Projects accelerate digitalisation, reduce costs and increase efficiency


Discover painful problems


Develop powerful solutions


Scale success to secure competitive advantage

Prepare to step into the arena of innovation and transformation, where we turn the challenge of change into a beacon of opportunity!

In a world that’s constantly evolving, staying ahead means perpetually enhancing our processes, methodologies, and technological arsenal. But how do we inject innovation into our everyday ‘Business As Usual’? The answer lies in nurturing individual leadapreneurs who embark on a quest to create KPI-relevant, strategically aligned agile innovation projects. The true magic of this programmememe is that every leadapreneur becomes the architect of one project, igniting the power of scale to boost productivity. Picture this: an army of 100 leadapreneurs deploying 100 productivity projects, all intricately interconnected



Battlefield BAU has not only transformed the mindset of DBS’s HIPO talent but also delivered significant cost savings. This case study showcases the power of innovation and the value it brings to an organization, driving change and financial growth simultaneously. It is a testament to the potential of productivity projects and the commitment to continuous improvement.



Cumulative Valuation


High Participation

Being a part of this innovation quest is an honour, as it allows me to inspire and motivate my Pathfinders and Warriors to dream big and deliver significant contributions for the betterment of the bank.

Our accomplishments have been notable. We have measurably elevated scorecard priorities with a valuation of SGD $8,202,656 million for the upcoming 3 years. Our advancements are particularly pronounced in these areas: 1) Cultivating a more data-driven organisational culture, 2) Enhancing customer experiences, and 3) Alleviating pain points experienced by our employees.

This quest has honed my ability to become a strategic leader, empowering my Pathfinders to adeptly guide their cohorts and motivating my Warriors to champion innovative ideas from the grassroots. I have come to understand that true leadership extends beyond mere task completion; it encompasses the power to inspire, foster connections, and exert influence. I learn to be patient when listening and grasping the distinct challenges faced by each individual. I have also recognised the significance of infusing elements of joy and fun into the programme. This fosters enduring positive memories for my army to cherish.

Strategos Cherie

Being a Pathfinder entails being a dependable and approachable coach. We steer the Warriors through challenges and guide them to the culmination of their innovation quest. This role has been an opportunity to connect with my Warriors, nurturing their dreams and translating their visions into tangible solutions for users. As a Pathfinder, I aspire to motivate my Warriors and help them shed limiting beliefs through positive affirmations.

Participating in this quest has been instrumental in my professional growth, enhancing my coaching skills and bolstering my confidence. It has offered me a support network and a professional circle, including like-minded individuals who joined as Warriors in my batch. Additionally, I have reconnected with acquaintances from various LOBTs, marking a testament to the collaborative spirit within DBS. Beyond all else, this experience has widened my horizons and nurtured my evolution.

Pathfinder Qian Ru

The crux of this program lies in the profound understanding that a Warrior embodies astounding adaptability and resilience.

In our pursuit of transformation, we comprehend that change is a process often accompanied by challenges and obstacles. Even when confronted with hurdles, we will rise with determination and resourcefulness. We will constantly learn, adapt, and refine our strategies. We do not succumb to discouragement or setbacks, instead we will forge ahead with indomitable resilience.

Warrior & Primus Ain

Throughout this quest, I learned the value of facing fears and adopting a Leadapreneur mindset. A great example was when we began the <Innovation project> in China. We started with brainstorming and a simple Excel roadmap, gradually building page designs with hyperlinks. The tech team then turned our plan into a prototype. It was a challenging process that taught me the journey matters as much as the destination.

My growth was not confined to technical prowess alone. I also improved my leadership and management abilities. Instead of just focusing on my immediate role, I learned to embrace a panoramic perspective which included the needs of <various departments>. This expansion of perspective enriched both my leadership acumen and my strategic insight.

Warrior & Primus Queena


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